Reflexology Courses

Reflexology is a technique that applies gentle pressure to your feet or hands to bring about a state of relaxation and help the body's own healing process.

Reflexology Course for Practitioners and Healers - Level 3

Professional Practitioner Level


Cost: £1300 (Payments can be made in instalments)
Location: Dorking
Accreditations: FHT Accredited
Duration: 17 days (Next Course will start in the early part of 2022)
Description: A ground breaking course where you will learn:

  • Anatomy and applied physiology

  • Zone therapy, cross reflexes and reading Reflexology charts

  • Hand Reflexology

Reflexology (also known as zone therapy) is a complementary therapy, not used to diagnose or prescribe but used to improve the state of the immune system with the aim of improving the level of health, therefore decreasing susceptibility to disease.

Diseases or conditions of the mind/body can range from acute viral problems to chronic on-going disease. The treatment is achieved by the practice of applying deep pressure to various points on the feet (hands & face). These points are called reflex points and they relate to different parts of the body. A reflexology treatment can include the following benefits (but is not limited to):

Reduce stress and tension

Improve circulation and the efficiency of the blood supply to all parts of the body

Mobilise toxins

Achieve balance

Reflexology is a holistic therapy and therefore Reflexologist should consider the client’s state of health on all four levels, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual even though they will only be physically treating the client’s feet.

Reflexology is much the same as any holistic therapy in that it stimulates the body to start its own natural healing process, thus stimulating the body to heal itself.

An imbalance in a person’s vital force/life energy will manifest on all levels, but if not dealt with, will produce symptoms of disease.

Reflexology is an effective way of treating both chronic and acute symptoms experienced by the patient. By using this method of treatment, the patient’s vital force is re-balanced.

In Summary, the feet are mini-maps of all the organs of the body reflected on the feet in the same anatomical pattern to that of the body. These reflexes are found on the soles, tops and sides of the feet.

A reflexology treatment will typically stimulate over 7,200 nerve endings in each foot.

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